
Second grade - observational drawing

 Observational drawing is when an artist looks at an object directly, and draws how he or she see it. In class, students drew from observation using the drawing mannequins. In the second portion of the unit students brought in toys and stuffed animals to draw from.

Third Grade- Family Portraits

As a group, students discussed and brainstormed what family meant to them. Students came up with a broad array of answers. For example, "people who we live with", "people who care about us", and even "pets."

After our discussion, we talked about the landscape that their family will be standing in. A landscape is similar to a scene, it is the area around people or objects. Students recalled past knowledge about horizon lines to. A horizon line is the part of the landscape where the sky and the ground meet. Students also recalled how objects in the background seem smaller in a landscape. Objects in the foreground, or front are the largest in landscapes.

After drawing in pencil and then tracing in sharpie, students mixed water, yellow, red, and brown to create skin tones. To create different values of skin tones students would mix and test different combinations of these three colors plus water.

Fifth Grade- Hogwarts Ties

The Fifth Grade at Hanlon has been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. At the end of the reading unit, students celebrate during Hogwarts Day. This day is composed of a series of events related to the text just read. In art class, students designed ties for each house. The ties were worn during the Hogwarts Day activities.



Kindergarten- Pizza Party

In this art project students were practicing and refining their fine motor skills. Students were asked to follow a series of directions to make a giant stuffed pizza slice. Below are the list and visual directions. 
1. Glue sause to crust in a v shape

2. Using yellow and orange paper student draw cut and glue cheese.

3. Draw cut and glue toppings onto pizza.

4. Stuff pizza

5. Roll crust and staple

Fourth grade- Rhythm Painting

The fourth grade looked at and reflected upon  the art of Sonia Delaunay. Sonia was born in 1885 in the Ukraine. She is well known for creating bold geometric artworks. In many of her artworks, Sonia abstracted objects into simple shapes.

In many of Sonia’s artworks, she used tertiary colors and color scheme to create contrast. Tertiary colors are a primary color plus a secondary color. Color Scheme is the arrangement of colors. Artists choose if the colors are harmonious ( similar )or if the colors contrast (different). Contrast is the arrangement of opposite elements like light and dark, rough and smooth.

Sonia is most famous for the use of rhythm in her artwork.
Rhythm is one of the Principles of Art.
  • Rhythm is when parts of an artwork have similarities but are not exactly the same.
In our art projects students
1. Created at least 2 intersecting lines in their artwork.
2. Created shapes around these lines that create rhythm.
3. Checked there were at least 5 different section on each side of the intersecting line.
4. Painted inside the spaces using a color scheme and including at least 3 tertiary colors.

First Grade - Love

Love Prints

Check out these LOVEly art projects created by the first graders!

In these art projects students learned the process of printmaking. Students created a stamp using foam. With a pencil, the foam was indented creating a pattern. A pattern is a design that repeats and never changes.  Then students used a brayer to roll ink across the stamp. Once inked the stamp is pressed onto a paper. Student repeated this process several times until they successful printed four pages. Students then collaged their prints and patterned letters onto a background paper.