
Fourth grade- Rhythm Painting

The fourth grade looked at and reflected upon  the art of Sonia Delaunay. Sonia was born in 1885 in the Ukraine. She is well known for creating bold geometric artworks. In many of her artworks, Sonia abstracted objects into simple shapes.

In many of Sonia’s artworks, she used tertiary colors and color scheme to create contrast. Tertiary colors are a primary color plus a secondary color. Color Scheme is the arrangement of colors. Artists choose if the colors are harmonious ( similar )or if the colors contrast (different). Contrast is the arrangement of opposite elements like light and dark, rough and smooth.

Sonia is most famous for the use of rhythm in her artwork.
Rhythm is one of the Principles of Art.
  • Rhythm is when parts of an artwork have similarities but are not exactly the same.
In our art projects students
1. Created at least 2 intersecting lines in their artwork.
2. Created shapes around these lines that create rhythm.
3. Checked there were at least 5 different section on each side of the intersecting line.
4. Painted inside the spaces using a color scheme and including at least 3 tertiary colors.

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